Vermont Traffic Cams:
Live Webcams in VT
Live Vermont cams from around the state of VT offers
real-time live weather and traffic conditions around the state.
We are dedicated to helping Vermont residents and
commuters as well as Vermont
tourist by offering several traffic cams around
the state of Vermont that are placed on busy roadways and highways in VT
as well as a few remote locations in VT.
These cameras are great for road and weather conditions and can be
very useful in determining snow depths for ski conditions and
snowmobile trail conditions in Vermont. Remember ski areas do use
snow making equipement so what is shown in the live webcam images
may vary significantly from actual ski conditions in the mountains
of Vermont.
Using ther map below or the links on the left you can select a
specific Vermont traffic cam to view.

Live traffic cam locations in Vermont are indicated on the map
above. Click on the camera icon on the map to view each live camera
location in VT. Links to all Vermont state traffic cams are also on
the left side navigation.